* This file is part of the Doctrine Behavioral Extensions package.
* (c) Gediminas Morkevicius <gediminas.morkevicius@gmail.com> http://www.gediminasm.org
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Gedmo\Uploadable;
use Doctrine\Common\EventArgs;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Event\LoadClassMetadataEventArgs;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\Persistence\NotifyPropertyChanged;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableCantWriteException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableCouldntGuessMimeTypeException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableExtensionException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableFileAlreadyExistsException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableFormSizeException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableIniSizeException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableInvalidMimeTypeException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableMaxSizeException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableNoFileException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableNoPathDefinedException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableNoTmpDirException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadablePartialException;
use Gedmo\Exception\UploadableUploadException;
use Gedmo\Mapping\Event\AdapterInterface;
use Gedmo\Mapping\MappedEventSubscriber;
use Gedmo\Uploadable\Event\UploadablePostFileProcessEventArgs;
use Gedmo\Uploadable\Event\UploadablePreFileProcessEventArgs;
use Gedmo\Uploadable\FileInfo\FileInfoArray;
use Gedmo\Uploadable\FileInfo\FileInfoInterface;
use Gedmo\Uploadable\Mapping\Validator;
use Gedmo\Uploadable\MimeType\MimeTypeGuesser;
use Gedmo\Uploadable\MimeType\MimeTypeGuesserInterface;
* Uploadable listener
* @author Gustavo Falco <comfortablynumb84@gmail.com>
* @author Gediminas Morkevicius <gediminas.morkevicius@gmail.com>
class UploadableListener extends MappedEventSubscriber
public const ACTION_INSERT = 'INSERT';
public const ACTION_UPDATE = 'UPDATE';
* Default path to move files in
* @var string
private $defaultPath;
* Mime type guesser
* @var MimeTypeGuesserInterface
private $mimeTypeGuesser;
* Default FileInfoInterface class
* @var string
private $defaultFileInfoClass = FileInfoArray::class;
* Array of files to remove on postFlush
* @var array
private $pendingFileRemovals = [];
* Array of FileInfoInterface objects. The index is the hash of the entity owner
* of the FileInfoInterface object.
* @var array
private $fileInfoObjects = [];
public function __construct(MimeTypeGuesserInterface $mimeTypeGuesser = null)
$this->mimeTypeGuesser = $mimeTypeGuesser ? $mimeTypeGuesser : new MimeTypeGuesser();
* @return string[]
public function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
* This event is needed in special cases where the entity needs to be updated, but it only has the
* file field modified. Since we can't mark an entity as "dirty" in the "addEntityFileInfo" method,
* doctrine thinks the entity has no changes, which produces that the "onFlush" event gets never called.
* Here we mark the entity as dirty, so the "onFlush" event gets called, and the file is processed.
* @return void
public function preFlush(EventArgs $args)
if (empty($this->fileInfoObjects)) {
// Nothing to do
$ea = $this->getEventAdapter($args);
$om = $ea->getObjectManager();
$uow = $om->getUnitOfWork();
$first = reset($this->fileInfoObjects);
$meta = $om->getClassMetadata(get_class($first['entity']));
$config = $this->getConfiguration($om, $meta->getName());
foreach ($this->fileInfoObjects as $info) {
$entity = $info['entity'];
// If the entity is in the identity map, it means it will be updated. We need to force the
// "dirty check" here by "modifying" the path. We are actually setting the same value, but
// this will mark the entity as dirty, and the "onFlush" event will be fired, even if there's
// no other change in the entity's fields apart from the file itself.
if ($uow->isInIdentityMap($entity)) {
if ($config['filePathField']) {
$path = $this->getFilePathFieldValue($meta, $config, $entity);
$uow->propertyChanged($entity, $config['filePathField'], $path, $path);
} else {
$fileName = $this->getFileNameFieldValue($meta, $config, $entity);
$uow->propertyChanged($entity, $config['fileNameField'], $fileName, $fileName);
* Handle file-uploading depending on the action
* being done with objects
* @return void
public function onFlush(EventArgs $args)
$ea = $this->getEventAdapter($args);
$om = $ea->getObjectManager();
$uow = $om->getUnitOfWork();
// Do we need to upload files?
foreach ($this->fileInfoObjects as $info) {
$entity = $info['entity'];
$scheduledForInsert = $uow->isScheduledForInsert($entity);
$scheduledForUpdate = $uow->isScheduledForUpdate($entity);
$action = ($scheduledForInsert || $scheduledForUpdate) ?
($scheduledForInsert ? self::ACTION_INSERT : self::ACTION_UPDATE) :
if ($action) {
$this->processFile($ea, $entity, $action);
// Do we need to remove any files?
foreach ($ea->getScheduledObjectDeletions($uow) as $object) {
$meta = $om->getClassMetadata(get_class($object));
if ($config = $this->getConfiguration($om, $meta->getName())) {
if (isset($config['uploadable']) && $config['uploadable']) {
$this->addFileRemoval($meta, $config, $object);
* Handle removal of files
* @return void
public function postFlush(EventArgs $args)
if (!empty($this->pendingFileRemovals)) {
foreach ($this->pendingFileRemovals as $file) {
$this->pendingFileRemovals = [];
$this->fileInfoObjects = [];
* If it's a Uploadable object, verify if the file was uploaded.
* If that's the case, process it.
* @param object $object
* @param string $action
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableNoPathDefinedException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableCouldntGuessMimeTypeException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableMaxSizeException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableInvalidMimeTypeException
* @return void
public function processFile(AdapterInterface $ea, $object, $action)
$oid = spl_object_id($object);
$om = $ea->getObjectManager();
$uow = $om->getUnitOfWork();
$meta = $om->getClassMetadata(get_class($object));
$config = $this->getConfiguration($om, $meta->getName());
if (!$config || !isset($config['uploadable']) || !$config['uploadable']) {
// Nothing to do
$refl = $meta->getReflectionClass();
$fileInfo = $this->fileInfoObjects[$oid]['fileInfo'];
$evm = $om->getEventManager();
if ($evm->hasListeners(Events::uploadablePreFileProcess)) {
$evm->dispatchEvent(Events::uploadablePreFileProcess, new UploadablePreFileProcessEventArgs(
// Validations
if ($config['maxSize'] > 0 && $fileInfo->getSize() > $config['maxSize']) {
$msg = 'File "%s" exceeds the maximum allowed size of %d bytes. File size: %d bytes';
throw new UploadableMaxSizeException(sprintf($msg, $fileInfo->getName(), $config['maxSize'], $fileInfo->getSize()));
$mime = $this->mimeTypeGuesser->guess($fileInfo->getTmpName());
if (!$mime) {
throw new UploadableCouldntGuessMimeTypeException(sprintf('Couldn\'t guess mime type for file "%s".', $fileInfo->getName()));
if ($config['allowedTypes'] || $config['disallowedTypes']) {
$ok = $config['allowedTypes'] ? false : true;
$mimes = $config['allowedTypes'] ? $config['allowedTypes'] : $config['disallowedTypes'];
foreach ($mimes as $m) {
if ($mime === $m) {
$ok = $config['allowedTypes'] ? true : false;
if (!$ok) {
throw new UploadableInvalidMimeTypeException(sprintf('Invalid mime type "%s" for file "%s".', $mime, $fileInfo->getName()));
$path = $this->getPath($meta, $config, $object);
if (self::ACTION_UPDATE === $action) {
// First we add the original file to the pendingFileRemovals array
$this->addFileRemoval($meta, $config, $object);
// We generate the filename based on configuration
$generatorNamespace = 'Gedmo\Uploadable\FilenameGenerator';
switch ($config['filenameGenerator']) {
$generatorClass = $generatorNamespace.'\FilenameGeneratorAlphanumeric';
$generatorClass = $generatorNamespace.'\FilenameGeneratorSha1';
$generatorClass = false;
$generatorClass = $config['filenameGenerator'];
$info = $this->moveFile($fileInfo, $path, $generatorClass, $config['allowOverwrite'], $config['appendNumber'], $object);
// We override the mime type with the guessed one
$info['fileMimeType'] = $mime;
if ('' !== $config['callback']) {
$callbackMethod = $refl->getMethod($config['callback']);
$callbackMethod->invokeArgs($object, [$info]);
if ($config['filePathField']) {
$this->updateField($object, $uow, $ea, $meta, $config['filePathField'], $info['filePath']);
if ($config['fileNameField']) {
$this->updateField($object, $uow, $ea, $meta, $config['fileNameField'], $info['fileName']);
if ($config['fileMimeTypeField']) {
$this->updateField($object, $uow, $ea, $meta, $config['fileMimeTypeField'], $info['fileMimeType']);
if ($config['fileSizeField']) {
$typeOfSizeField = Type::getType($meta->getTypeOfField($config['fileSizeField']));
$value = $typeOfSizeField->convertToPHPValue(
$this->updateField($object, $uow, $ea, $meta, $config['fileSizeField'], $value);
$ea->recomputeSingleObjectChangeSet($uow, $meta, $object);
if ($evm->hasListeners(Events::uploadablePostFileProcess)) {
$evm->dispatchEvent(Events::uploadablePostFileProcess, new UploadablePostFileProcessEventArgs(
* Simple wrapper for the function "unlink" to ease testing
* @param string $filePath
* @return bool
public function removeFile($filePath)
if (is_file($filePath)) {
return @unlink($filePath);
return false;
* Moves the file to the specified path
* @param string $path
* @param string|bool $filenameGeneratorClass
* @param bool $overwrite
* @param bool $appendNumber
* @param object $object
* @return array
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableUploadException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableNoFileException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableExtensionException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableIniSizeException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableFormSizeException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableFileAlreadyExistsException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadablePartialException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableNoTmpDirException
* @throws \Gedmo\Exception\UploadableCantWriteException
* @phpstan-param class-string|false $filenameGeneratorClass
public function moveFile(FileInfoInterface $fileInfo, $path, $filenameGeneratorClass = false, $overwrite = false, $appendNumber = false, $object = null)
if ($fileInfo->getError() > 0) {
switch ($fileInfo->getError()) {
case 1:
$msg = 'Size of uploaded file "%s" exceeds limit imposed by directive "upload_max_filesize" in php.ini';
throw new UploadableIniSizeException(sprintf($msg, $fileInfo->getName()));
case 2:
$msg = 'Size of uploaded file "%s" exceeds limit imposed by option MAX_FILE_SIZE in your form.';
throw new UploadableFormSizeException(sprintf($msg, $fileInfo->getName()));
case 3:
$msg = 'File "%s" was partially uploaded.';
throw new UploadablePartialException(sprintf($msg, $fileInfo->getName()));
case 4:
$msg = 'No file was uploaded!';
throw new UploadableNoFileException($msg);
case 6:
$msg = 'Upload failed. Temp dir is missing.';
throw new UploadableNoTmpDirException($msg);
case 7:
$msg = 'File "%s" couldn\'t be uploaded because directory is not writable.';
throw new UploadableCantWriteException(sprintf($msg, $fileInfo->getName()));
case 8:
$msg = 'A PHP Extension stopped the uploaded for some reason.';
throw new UploadableExtensionException($msg);
throw new UploadableUploadException(sprintf('There was an unknown problem while uploading file "%s"', $fileInfo->getName()));
$info = [
'fileName' => '',
'fileExtension' => '',
'fileWithoutExt' => '',
'origFileName' => '',
'filePath' => '',
'fileMimeType' => $fileInfo->getType(),
'fileSize' => $fileInfo->getSize(),
$info['fileName'] = basename($fileInfo->getName());
$info['filePath'] = $path.'/'.$info['fileName'];
$hasExtension = strrpos($info['fileName'], '.');
if ($hasExtension) {
$info['fileExtension'] = substr($info['filePath'], strrpos($info['filePath'], '.'));
$info['fileWithoutExt'] = substr($info['filePath'], 0, strrpos($info['filePath'], '.'));
} else {
$info['fileWithoutExt'] = $info['fileName'];
// Save the original filename for later use
$info['origFileName'] = $info['fileName'];
// Now we generate the filename using the configured class
if (false !== $filenameGeneratorClass) {
$filename = $filenameGeneratorClass::generate(
str_replace($path.'/', '', $info['fileWithoutExt']),
$info['filePath'] = str_replace(
$info['fileName'] = $filename;
if ($pos = strrpos($info['filePath'], '.')) {
// ignores positions like "./file" at 0 see #915
$info['fileWithoutExt'] = substr($info['filePath'], 0, $pos);
} else {
$info['fileWithoutExt'] = $info['filePath'];
if (is_file($info['filePath'])) {
if ($overwrite) {
} elseif ($appendNumber) {
$counter = 1;
$info['filePath'] = $info['fileWithoutExt'].'-'.$counter.$info['fileExtension'];
do {
$info['filePath'] = $info['fileWithoutExt'].'-'.(++$counter).$info['fileExtension'];
} while (is_file($info['filePath']));
} else {
throw new UploadableFileAlreadyExistsException(sprintf('File "%s" already exists!', $info['filePath']));
if (!$this->doMoveFile($fileInfo->getTmpName(), $info['filePath'], $fileInfo->isUploadedFile())) {
throw new UploadableUploadException(sprintf('File "%s" was not uploaded, or there was a problem moving it to the location "%s".', $fileInfo->getName(), $path));
return $info;
* Simple wrapper method used to move the file. If it's an uploaded file
* it will use the "move_uploaded_file method. If it's not, it will
* simple move it
* @param string $source Source file
* @param string $dest Destination file
* @param bool $isUploadedFile Whether this is an uploaded file?
* @return bool
public function doMoveFile($source, $dest, $isUploadedFile = true)
return $isUploadedFile ? @move_uploaded_file($source, $dest) : @copy($source, $dest);
* Maps additional metadata
* @param LoadClassMetadataEventArgs $eventArgs
* @return void
public function loadClassMetadata(EventArgs $eventArgs)
$ea = $this->getEventAdapter($eventArgs);
$this->loadMetadataForObjectClass($ea->getObjectManager(), $eventArgs->getClassMetadata());
* Sets the default path
* @param string $path
* @return void
public function setDefaultPath($path)
$this->defaultPath = $path;
* Returns default path
* @return string|null
public function getDefaultPath()
return $this->defaultPath;
* Sets file info default class
* @param string $defaultFileInfoClass
* @return void
public function setDefaultFileInfoClass($defaultFileInfoClass)
if (!is_string($defaultFileInfoClass) || !class_exists($defaultFileInfoClass) ||
!is_subclass_of($defaultFileInfoClass, FileInfoInterface::class)
) {
throw new \Gedmo\Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Default FileInfo class must be a valid class, and it must implement "%s".', FileInfoInterface::class));
$this->defaultFileInfoClass = $defaultFileInfoClass;
* Returns file info default class
* @return string
public function getDefaultFileInfoClass()
return $this->defaultFileInfoClass;
* Adds a FileInfoInterface object for the given entity
* @param object $entity
* @param array|FileInfoInterface $fileInfo
* @throws \RuntimeException
* @return void
public function addEntityFileInfo($entity, $fileInfo)
$fileInfoClass = $this->getDefaultFileInfoClass();
$fileInfo = is_array($fileInfo) ? new $fileInfoClass($fileInfo) : $fileInfo;
if (!$fileInfo instanceof FileInfoInterface) {
$msg = 'You must pass an instance of FileInfoInterface or a valid array for entity of class "%s".';
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf($msg, get_class($entity)));
$this->fileInfoObjects[spl_object_id($entity)] = [
'entity' => $entity,
'fileInfo' => $fileInfo,
* @param object $entity
* @return FileInfoInterface
public function getEntityFileInfo($entity)
$oid = spl_object_id($entity);
if (!isset($this->fileInfoObjects[$oid])) {
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('There\'s no FileInfoInterface object for entity of class "%s".', get_class($entity)));
return $this->fileInfoObjects[$oid]['fileInfo'];
* @return void
public function setMimeTypeGuesser(MimeTypeGuesserInterface $mimeTypeGuesser)
$this->mimeTypeGuesser = $mimeTypeGuesser;
* @return \Gedmo\Uploadable\MimeType\MimeTypeGuesserInterface
public function getMimeTypeGuesser()
return $this->mimeTypeGuesser;
* @param object $object Entity
* @return string
* @throws UploadableNoPathDefinedException
protected function getPath(ClassMetadata $meta, array $config, $object)
$path = $config['path'];
if ('' === $path) {
$defaultPath = $this->getDefaultPath();
if ('' !== $config['pathMethod']) {
$getPathMethod = \Closure::bind(function (string $pathMethod, ?string $defaultPath): string {
return $this->{$pathMethod}($defaultPath);
}, $object, $meta->getReflectionClass()->getName());
$path = $getPathMethod($config['pathMethod'], $defaultPath);
} elseif (null !== $defaultPath) {
$path = $defaultPath;
} else {
$msg = 'You have to define the path to save files either in the listener, or in the class "%s"';
throw new UploadableNoPathDefinedException(sprintf($msg, $meta->getName()));
$path = rtrim($path, '\/');
return $path;
* @param ClassMetadata $meta
* @param array $config
* @param object $object Entity
* @return void
protected function addFileRemoval($meta, $config, $object)
if ($config['filePathField']) {
$this->pendingFileRemovals[] = $this->getFilePathFieldValue($meta, $config, $object);
} else {
$path = $this->getPath($meta, $config, $object);
$fileName = $this->getFileNameFieldValue($meta, $config, $object);
$this->pendingFileRemovals[] = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$fileName;
* @param string $filePath
* @return void
protected function cancelFileRemoval($filePath)
$k = array_search($filePath, $this->pendingFileRemovals, true);
if (false !== $k) {
* Returns value of the entity's property
* @param string $propertyName
* @param object $object
* @return mixed
protected function getPropertyValueFromObject(ClassMetadata $meta, $propertyName, $object)
$getFilePath = \Closure::bind(function (string $propertyName) {
return $this->{$propertyName};
}, $object, $meta->getReflectionClass()->getName());
return $getFilePath($propertyName);
* Returns the path of the entity's file
* @param object $object
* @return string
protected function getFilePathFieldValue(ClassMetadata $meta, array $config, $object)
return $this->getPropertyValueFromObject($meta, $config['filePathField'], $object);
* Returns the name of the entity's file
* @param object $object
* @return string
protected function getFileNameFieldValue(ClassMetadata $meta, array $config, $object)
return $this->getPropertyValueFromObject($meta, $config['fileNameField'], $object);
protected function getNamespace()
return __NAMESPACE__;
* @param object $object
* @param object $uow
* @param string $field
* @param mixed $value
* @param bool $notifyPropertyChanged
* @return void
protected function updateField($object, $uow, AdapterInterface $ea, ClassMetadata $meta, $field, $value, $notifyPropertyChanged = true)
$property = $meta->getReflectionProperty($field);
$oldValue = $property->getValue($object);
$property->setValue($object, $value);
if ($notifyPropertyChanged && $object instanceof NotifyPropertyChanged) {
$uow = $ea->getObjectManager()->getUnitOfWork();
$uow->propertyChanged($object, $field, $oldValue, $value);